
One Hundred Dollars |
$100 - Most counterfeited money denomination in the world. Keeps the world moving. |
Ten Thousand Dollars |
$10,000 - Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car. Approximately one year of work for the average human on earth. |

One Million Dollars |
$1,000,000 - Not as big of a pile as you thought, huh? Still, this is 92 years of work for the average human on earth. |

2012 Top Presidential Money Donors |
What you see: |
$100 Million Dollars = 1 year of work for 3500 average Americans |
It takes 3500 Americans 1 year of work to make $100 Million dollars. The 155 million Americans who worked with earnings in 2005 on average made $28,567 / year. In front of the 3500 people is the $100 Million pallet that they all have to work for 1 year to earn. Look carefully to see a stack of $1 Million and the 35 average Americans required to earn that $1 Million in 1 year. |
2012 Presidential Elections - Who gets the most money usually wins |
Our candidates have managed to organize serious sums of cash. Donations are mostly limited to $2500 |
SuperPACs: New way to donate unlimited amounts of cash to candidates |
What is a SuperPAC?: SuperPACs give invisible 'money forces' strong
Here you can see the 3 biggest SuperPACs and who donated to them. Keep in mind these are OVER 800 SuperPACs in USA. They had raised more than 349,000,000 on August 24th, 2012. |
SuperPACs: Top donors |
Click on the graphics below to see the top donors for American Crossroads, Priorities USA Action and Restore Our Future. Click on graphics below for larger view. |
Super PACs: Where the donations are spent |
SuperPACs spend their money on advertising that attacks or defends a presidential candidate. They usually use the their raised money for negative ads, destroying the candidates that oppose their agenda. |
Romney & Obama's Victory Funds |
Romney & Obama have set up joint funds with the Republican and Democratic National Committees. |
The Republican & Democratic National Committees |
These guys are in charge of providing national leadership for the Republican and Democratic parties. They are also responsible for coordinating fundraising and election strategy -- serious stuff. The committees also have money to spend to influence public opinion, in order to make sure their buddies win. |
More Infographics |
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